Nothing can destroy bicycle travel more than knee pain. When you feel uncomfortable every time you step on the pedal, you either continue to feel pain or choose to end your ride ahead of time. Fibular head pain may be caused by many factors, so it is important to talk to the doctor as soon as the pain occurs. With some medical care, you & 39 will unconsciously enjoy your bicycle again.
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Basic knowledge of fibula
Crus consists of two bones, fibula and tibia. The tibia, also known as the tibia, is the larger of the two, while the fibula is narrower, located outside the leg. This bone extends all the way to the ankle to help you keep your balance. If your fibula head aches, you will feel discomfort on the outside of your knee and below it.
Pain is usually caused by overuse, so it is not a rare problem for cyclists. Fibular head pain can be caused by tearing or stretching of the lateral collateral ligament, which attaches the femur to the fibula. This injury can cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the lateral knee, as well as numbness in the foot. Lateral meniscus tear (a cartilage above the fibular head) or biceps femoris tendinitis can also cause lateral knee pain. Various types of arthritis can also cause pain in the external knee joint.
Treatment of your knee pain may require temporary cessation of physical activity. If it is caused by a tear of the lateral collateral ligament or meniscus, your doctor may recommend that you wear a support, rest your knee and take over-the-counter painkillers until the pain disappears. Physical therapy also helps strengthen joints. If the tear is serious, surgery may be required. Arthritis is difficult to treat, and the treatment depends on the type of arthritis you have. For example, if worn cartilage causes osteoarthritis, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, your doctor may inject corticosteroids into joints. Patients with autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, may need medication to suppress the immune system.
Bicycle adjustment
Take a few minutes to get your knees ready before you climb back to the bike. You may find that bandages on your knees give additional support to your joints. Stretching before you ride your bicycle can warm up your muscles and help prevent injuries. Your doctor or physiotherapist can show you some stretching exercises that are suitable for your particular type of knee injury. It may also be helpful to try another type of bicycle; recumbent bicycles, with the rider in a slightly tilted position, can relieve knee pressure. Because some injuries, such as biceps tendinitis, may be due to too low seat or too forward seat position, please ask experienced repairman to adjust your bicycle. If your physiotherapist allows you to ride a bicycle on flat terrain, use a fast rhythm with low resistance to relieve knee pressure.