There is little certainty in raising children. But one thing you can rely on is that your child will feel hip pain at some point. The causes may range from diaper rash in infants to skateboarding accidents in adolescents. Treatment options vary according to the age of the child and the cause of pain, but most of these problems can be solved at home.
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Diaper rash
until they go to the toilet again, infants are prone to frequent hip stimulation. There are many possible reasons, from yeast infections to new foods. Babies with sensitive skin may react to the perfume in disposable diapers or with detergent or desiccant used in cloth diapers. Treat diaper rash, carefully clean and dry affected areas, and protect it with Vaseline or zinc oxide cream. If the rash does not heal or appears to be infected, seek further advice and treatment from your doctor. < p > < H3 > diarrhea < / H3 > < p > infants and young children may have painful rashes or even blisters due to diaper diarrhea, while older children may have anal irritation due to frequent defecation and wiping. Treat babies like diaper rash. Give older children a small amount of zinc oxide cream on a piece of paper, and they can apply it to stimulated areas. Hot baths can soothe, especially by adding baking soda to fight diarrhea and stomach acid. Use electrolyte-containing beverages to hydrate your child. If diarrhea persists for more than a day or two, consult a doctor. Constipation and hemorrhoids at the other end of the diarrhea can also cause pain. Increasing fiber and fluid in the diet can alleviate mild constipation. Drinking plenty of water and extra fruit, dried fruit or oatmeal porridge for a day or two can achieve the desired effect; mild fibrous laxatives can also be taken with your doctor. Additional fibers can also relieve hemorrhoids by softening stools or by using over-the-counter stool softeners. Please consult your doctor for other treatment options suitable for your child-39 years old. Activity children of all ages are prone to accidents, collisions and bruises. From time to time, a particularly severe back impact can cause persistent pain in your child. Sometimes it's just a deep bruise that will disappear in a few days. However, sometimes it may be a fracture or dislocation of the coccyx or coccyx. Sacroiliac joints of the spine and pelvis may also be injured. These injuries require professional diagnosis and care. They are usually caused by skateboards and similar accidents.