Gout patients must avoid eating foods with high organic purine content to prevent disease outbreaks. Purine increases uric acid in the body, which crystallizes at joints and causes gout attacks. Some high-protein foods, such as meat, seafood and poultry, are rich in purine, but most protein shakes contain no purine. In order to reduce gout attacks and maximize protein intake, rely on dairy products to promote your exercise and recovery. Consult your doctor before making any major dietary changes.
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skim milk and fat-free milk are the ultimate antigott shake ingredients. Low-fat dairy products actually reduce the risk of gout attacks, so these high-protein foods should be part of your diet. Skimmed milk contains 8 grams of protein and only 83 calories per cup. Skimmed yogurt contains 13 to 23 grams of protein per cup. A glass of Greek yogurt and skim milk in a milkshake or ice sands will provide 31 grams of protein and 213 calories. Whey protein isolate (from milk) is a good choice if you like to add protein powder to exercise shake. It contains Gycomacropeptide, a component of milk that seems to reduce the risk of gout. Plant protein powders such as soybeans, peas, hemp and rice do not worsen gout, but they do not have the protective effect of dairy products.
Avoid ingredients
You don't want to add the most gout-causing foods to your protein shake - red meat, organ meat and seafood. But other common milkshake ingredients are also worth avoiding. Fructose intake increases the risk of gout, so avoid pre-packaged shakes containing high-fructose corn syrup. Minimize other high fructose sweeteners, such as agate syrup and honey, and 50% fructose sugar, sucrose. Don't add alcohol to your milkshake, and don't get into the habit of drinking beer after exercise. Alcohol and alcohol are rich in purine, and gout patients should avoid drinking.
h3>protein requirementhuman protein requirement ranges from 0.4 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight. For example, a 150-pound adult needs 60 to 120 grams of protein a day, depending on activity levels and calorie intake. For most people, 60 to 75 grams a day is enough, but the protein needs of athletes and serious weightlifters are close to the high end. Don't eat too much protein -- getting more food won't help you exercise your muscles. The goal is to get about 15% of the calories from protein in order to get the best health and physique.