Seven ways to protect your mental health from Instagram jealousy


If you feel pain after browsing on instagram, snapchat or facebook, you are not alone. The study, published in the 2018 Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, links the use of social media to increased depression and loneliness. <

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< span class="artic"le-image_u caption-inner"> jealousy can be an incentive in the right environment. (image: nd3000/istock/gettyimages)

6. Turn jealousy into motivation. When you think you are incompetent, comparisons may be happy thieves, but they are not. In fact, a little jealousy may be just what you need to get your goal of self-improvement to a climax.

According to Vogel, social comparison is most beneficial when it is re-used as inspiration. Steele adds: In some cases, comparing yourself to someone can be an incentive. For example, you may be on a track team and compare your game time with other teammates. If you do this, you will have the motivation to improve your performance. & quot;

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So the next time you feel that the green-eyed monster has an ugly head, turn its energy into a positive atmosphere, which motivates you to move forward.

h3>7. Cultivating real connections (online and offline)

Despite the opposite evidence, it is entirely possible to establish real interaction with others on social media. Sometimes, relaxing your vigilance and sharing your shortcomings may be the antidote to all poses and postures.

&Vogel says it's okay to seek support in social media if you have difficulties. & People often like to see honesty and fragility in social networks. In other words, when you present yourself in a sincere way, you encourage others to follow suit and pave the way for sincere dialogue. Establishing more meaningful interpersonal relationships is particularly important for balancing the negative impact of social media. & "When you spend time talking to people face to face, you will understand the challenges they face, the problems they face and the good news they have," Lyubomirsky said.

Establishing real connections not only reminds us how complex our lives are, but also reiterates how important support, empathy and compassion are for all interactions, online and offline.
