The worst social media platform for young women


If you spend hours browsing Instagram for pictures of bodybuilders and impeccably dressed influential people, you're definitely not alone. Instagram is one of the most popular social media applications, with more than 700 million users worldwide, and it is also the most harmful application for young people's mental health, according to a new study.

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span= "article-image inner-caption">Instagram contributes to the "mental health crisis"? (picture:

The Royal Society for Public Health conducted a psychological study of nearly 1500 people aged 14 to 24. Researchers are determined to find out how different social media platforms, including Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, affect young people in terms of anxiety, depression, sleep problems and self-esteem. The survey concluded that Instagram had the greatest negative impact on young people, especially young women, followed by Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter. & Shirley cramer, chief executive of the Royal society, points out that platforms that should help young people connect may actually contribute to mental health crises. Surprisingly, the only social media application that found a positive impact on mental health was YouTube.
