How to Recovery from Toxic Work Environment


There are bad bosses, abusive, inhuman and terrible bosses. We've certainly dealt with work theatre before, but sometimes it escalates to traumatic levels, leaving lasting emotional trauma. Often associated with life-threatening events, mental illness known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can also be caused by psychological harassment or violence, or bullying, according to the workplace bullying institute. <

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How to recover:

Dr. Olov said that all this was to change your depression. & Tell your friends or supportive colleagues or psychologists how you feel. Try to say something positive in the morning. For example, I am grateful for this day. I will make it a good day. Or she suggests that you pray for peace: let me calmly accept what I can't accept. Don't change, have the courage to change what I can change, and have the wisdom to understand the difference. & quot;

Olov warned against resorting to catastrophic thinking. & Stay now. "Every day, do everything you can to stabilize your working environment," she said. & When you find yourself worrying, remember this and say to yourself, I will have confidence that everything will be all right and that I can handle everything well. For your future.

What do you think? Have you ever encountered such a situation? What advice do you have for others dealing with these problems? Tell us in the comments.
