Is Gordon Ramsay a vegetarian? Not so fast.


Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has given up dairy products, and now he announced on Twitter that he would try a vegan diet. Would the chef who brought me back Wellington beef (basically a filet steak wrapped in Italian ham) really give up eating meat?

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span= "article-image caption-inner"> does Gordon Ramsey really want to be vegetarian? (Picture: Robin Marchant/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)

Well, that's unlikely. To give you more information, he posted a vegetarian tweet the day before the opening of Street Pizza, the latest restaurant in London, and appeared next to a photograph of the venue, his only vegetarian product: burnt eggplant pizza with rosin and garlic sauce. Also on the menu? Classic Italian sausages, Italian sausages, corn and chicken are reported in Diner London.

So far, the media has not been able to confirm whether Ramsey has officially adopted a plant-based lifestyle. It has been reported that a representative of Ramsay could not elaborate on his new vegetarian diet or how long he planned to stick to it.

Although his Twitter may be more like a marketing tool, it does show that the sharp-talking chef star is actually becoming more vegetarian. This is a big change compared to early February, when he offered Twitter users this vegetarian lasagna picture, he made a sharp response: I am a member of the Animal Welfare Organization! People eat delicious animals. Quot;

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His words aroused a heated debate, and it was delicious to puncture the meat! & The future is a vegetarian club. Even PETA joined in and commented on Twitter: "When you spend time mocking future vegetarians, we bet that one day you will become a vegetarian, and most chefs are exploring healthy, animal- and environment-friendly vegetarian dishes."

Animal Welfare seems satisfied with the progress made by chefs, who commented on Ramsey's picture of eggplant pizza: Continue to add vegetarian options to your restaurant menu.

Hey, baby footsteps. Read more:

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What do you think? Do you think Ramsay will become a vegetarian? Have you noticed that there are more vegetarian choices in restaurants? What's the best vegetarian dish you've ever eaten in a restaurant?
