Food intolerance 6 other surprising things that affect sleep health


If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: A healthy sleep plan is important. If you often do not eat those precious nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment nourishment < img style= "margin: auto; margin left: right: display: block;" C= "" />

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When you travel, you can change your sleep patterns to reduce the impact of jet lag. (picture: twenty20/@heftiba)

8. Unstable sleep plans and inconsistent work plans may be the reason why you can't fall asleep. & When you travel across time zones, your body will try to keep time at home, and the places you want to go will be set at different times. Kansagra says this can lead to fatigue, sleep deprivation and irritability, commonly known as jet lag.

Over time, your body will readjust to the new clock, but it may take days, and then you may be ready to go home.

In order to shorten your next trip, push back or extend your bedtime by 15 minutes every night or within 1-2 weeks before your trip. & "This will help you adjust your circadian rhythm before traveling so that you are less disturbed by sleep later on," she said.

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More importantly, even if you don't travel, your sleep schedule may not match your natural rhythm. Everyone has their own specific circadian rhythm, Daly said. They are either night owls or early risers.

She said that although most people know when it's best for them, many people don't follow this lifestyle. This can cause disconnection from the body's natural clock, making it difficult to fall asleep and perform well.

& "I recommend that everyone consider the best time for sleeping and working and change their lifestyle to celebrate these times," Daly said. "If possible."

If you find it hard to sleep well, think of these sneaky culprits, which may disrupt your body clock and keep you awake. With some lifestyle changes, you should be able to get back to sleep quickly and healthily so that you feel happier and healthier every day.

