11 Sports Suggestions for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Now that you have diabetes, it's worse. & Exercise consumes floating sugar in the blood, thus providing energy for muscles during exercise. Dr. Michelle Olsen, a sports physiologist and associate professor of sports science at Huntington College in Montgomery, Alabama, said it was basically a simple and natural way to reduce blood sugar. Fortunately, you don't have to run a marathon or swim a mile to benefit from exercise. A small change will greatly help prevent long-term complications of diabetes. Start with the following 11 tips:

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img= "margin: style; auto; margin: right block; display: rc;" src= "https://img.livestrong.com/630x/ppds/602f896a-81c2-4afd-9ba1-c8051ff017ff.jpg"/> < img= "margin: auto; margin: right block; display- F38f-4aaf-8b92-f85337f7e059.jpg "/> < img style=" margin left: auto; margin right: auto; display: block; "src=" https://img.livestrong.com/630x/ppds/97eb19b7-40ab-4b54-bd3a-b12d1cce5626.jpg "/> < class=" article-image caption-inner "> after meals helps to reduce blood sugar levels. (picture: @milkandhoneyiphotog via twenty20)

strong>9. Give it a good kick. A side effect of diabetes is that fewer blood supplies to the feet can lead to loss of sensation, which is called peripheral neuropathy. This may mean that foot injuries, such as blisters, may occur when you & 39; re-exercise, healing is not good. & Olson says one of the most important rules for tackling the disease is to wear shoes that fit your feet and protect your feet. & Wear sneakers that are in good shape and fit for your activities. So even though those cross-over sneakers look cute, they are flat-soled shoes and are not suitable for running. In addition, be sure to pay attention to whether your feet are swollen, sore and bumpy, and consult your doctor. If you find any new foot problems, follow the usual procedure. < p > < p > < strong > 10. Weightlifting. Don't forget dumbbells when exercising. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that both aerobic exercise and resistance training alone improved blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, but three times a week had the best results. & Olsen says that weight training increases lean meat quality, increases your basal metabolic rate and makes you burn calories faster. Burning these calories can control your blood sugar level. & She says that muscle's ability to store glucose increases with strength, enabling your body to better regulate blood sugar levels. Your body's ratio of fat to muscle decreases, reducing the amount of insulin you need to help fat cells store energy. Use jefit workout or gymstar applications to find action databases and obtain customized action processes. < p > < p > < strong > 11 years old. Confirm your identity. Wear a necklace or bracelet, or carry items that can identify you as a diabetic at any time. & "You never want to be attacked somewhere, but you don't get the help you need," Olsen said. Put a medical ID card in your wallet, stick your medical information on the back of your mobile phone, or wear a road id-like fitness Bracelet (starting at $29.99 at roadid.com). Make sure you take insulin and list your emergency contacts. What do you think of

? Would you rather exercise for 30 to 40 minutes or 10 minutes a day? What's your favorite way to keep fit?
