Six Pack Diet: 18 Foods To Sculpt Your Abs and Build More Muscle!


There’s no awesome way to get six pack abs. Exercise is a must, but the diet plan also has about 80 percent of the contribution to bodybuilding.

Your abs exist within this layer of excess fat in your body.

To get six-pack abs, it is important that you have to follow a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients, low in calories, carbohydrates and fat content, and also contain an excessive amount of protein.

There are products that you can include in your daily meals, which will be excellent substitutes for junk food and even satisfy your taste buds:

#18. Chicken Breast

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Chicken is an excellent source of obtaining proteins. This is the right food for muscle growth. Chicken breast can make your muscle mass grow very positive.

Meat is always an excellent food for body builders, and if you are on a mission with six packages, do not forget to include the chicken in your regular diet.

Fitness specialists always recommend this food for muscle building. It will be better if you choose lunch time to eat chicken, since you can fully use food to produce energy for your body, and thus you can easily cope with training with ABS.

#17. Eggs

This favorite breakfast contains a nutrient called choline, which increases metabolism and can assist turn off the genes responsible for storing fat on the stomach.

The study also showed that eating eggs for breakfast instead of foods high in carbohydrates, such as a bagel, can facilitate weight loss, probably because of the saturation of the egg. Make hard-boiled eggs or whisk a batch of mini-frits so you can reap the fruits that are abundant in nutrients on the go.

#16. Green Tea

Sipping green tea, you can make your time in the gym more worthwhile. A recent 12-week study showed that those who drink 4 to 5 cups of green tea every day and catch 25 minutes in the gym lose more fat on their stomachs than their non-nutritional counterparts who also broke the sweat.

What makes a drink such a powerful a-chiseler? This brew contains catechins, an antioxidant that prevents the storage of belly fat.

Not a fan of tea? Munch on fresh pears. Fruit is another good source of antioxidant.

#15. Peppers

Even if you eat well and exercise, constant hair pulling can prevent the appearance of your abs.

When we eat peppers, the body begins to pump out the hormone cortisol, which stimulates the body to store cholesterol around the mussels.

#14. Milk

After you work out, you need to get protein for your muscle building and recovery as soon as possible.

Most of gym coaches recommend milk as the ultimate post workout food because it is:

  1. Cheap
  2. Easy to get
  3. Requires almost zero preparation
  4. Better than sport drinks
  5. Keeps you full and stay away from eating too much after workout
  6. Contains slow and fast protein for lean body mass gains

#13. Legumes

Lentils, chickpeas, peas, and beans are all magical bullets for revealing abs.

Using a calorie-restricted diet, which includes four weekly servings of legumes, helps to lose weight more efficiently than an equivalent diet that does not include them.

#12. Black Beans

Simple beans are an advanced fat burning machine. One cup of black beans contains 12 grams of protein and 9 g of fiber; They are also rich in folic acid, vitamin B, which supports the growth of Stokes’ muscles, and copper, which strengthens the tendons.

Also, consumption of four weekly servings of beans or pulses speeds up weight loss.

#11. Spinach

It looks unpretentious, but Popyan’s favorite vegetarian can help you reduce your calorie potential to the next level.

The green color is full of protein (only one cup of steamed variety has the same protein as the egg of medium boiling), a nutrient that helps after the recovery of muscle mass and muscle growth.

#10. Oatmeal

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Yes, oats are loaded with carbohydrates, but the release of these sugars is slowed down by fiber, and since oats also have 10 grams of protein per half of the cup, they provide a steady energy, free of muscle.

And this fiber is soluble, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

#9. Quinoa

Quinoa is higher in proteins than any other grain, and it contains a healthy dose of healthy, unsaturated fats beneficial to health.

Quinoa is also an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins. It has twice as much protein as most cereals and fewer carbohydrates.

#8. Broccoli

In addition to preventing prostate cancer, breast, lung and skin cancer, this vegetable can also help you to reset your middle.

According to experts, broccoli contains a phytonutrient called sulforaphane, which increases testosterone and fights the storage of fat. It is also rich in vitamin C, a nutrient that can lower cortisol levels during bad situations, helping the abs to occupy a central place.

#7. Blueberries

A cup of blueberries has 21 grams of carbohydrates, but they may not be good for you.

Not only are they loaded with polyphenol-chemical compounds that prevent the formation of fat – they actively burn belly fat, reducing it by lowering it! Catechins in blueberries activate the fat-burning gene in the stomach fat cells.

#6. Buckwheat

Like quinoa, buckwheat without gluten and a full source of protein, which means that it supplies all nine vital muscle amino acids that the body can not produce by itself, says registered dietitian Isabelle Smith.

But that makes this relative a rhubarb such a nutritious rock star is the content of magnesium and fiber.

#5. Amaranth

Quinoa and amaranth are abrasive snakes. Both are gluten-free sources of total proteins and have almost the same amount of fiber and protein.

#4. Apple

Have you heard of ““? Do you know too much protein can actually lead to loss of muscle and bone through metabolic acidosis?

To regulate the negative effects of an unbalanced high-protein diet, you need to take some fruit and vegetables high in potassium, which can reduce the amount of calcium lost through urine.

#3. Bananas

Bananas are very useful for creating a mass of muscles. This is a secret weapon of many bodybuilders. It contains dietary fibers that support slow digestion.

#2. Yogurt

In the package with protein, full of calcium, drinking probiotics, yogurt has all the achievements of the best products for weight loss. How would you like to get all the excellent weight loss results that you just read and double them?

This is what happens when you supplement the diet with vitamin D and calcium, according to a study by the Nutrition Journal.

#1. Mushrooms

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Mushroom can not only keep you healthy and fit, but also they contain sufficient proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids to build your muscles.

Per half cup serving, mushrooms contain a gram of protein, 21 calories and no fat, which is why it is the greatest food ever if you are working out and dreaming of 6-pack abs.

Researches say, in terms of nutrient density, mushrooms actually have a higher level of vitamin and antioxidants than most of our daily vegetables and fruits.

Don’t miss mushrooms if you want to get 6-pack abs!
