Altitude sickness and joint pain


Plateau sickness is a series of related conditions that can affect your flight and mountain climbing. Living at high altitudes can also make you sick. High altitude decompression sickness causes joint pain and other symptoms. Altitude sickness is treatable; if you suffer from severe altitude sickness, please consult your doctor immediately.

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span= "article-image inner caption-class"> woman walking on a snowy mountain. (Image: b_a_ej_yjak/istock/getty images)

Plateau sickness is a high altitude sickness affecting rock climbers, divers and people flying in aircrafts. This can lead to joint pain and respiratory and neurological symptoms. Most people can usually rise to 5,000 to 6,500 feet without symptoms due to changes in atmospheric pressure. About 20% of the population at 8,000 feet and 10,000 feet have altitude problems. How fast you run, how high you are, how hard you exercise, and how high you sleep all affect your chances of having problems.

curve is a high altitude decompression disease. Small bubbles appear on the body, mainly around the ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows and shoulders. Bubbles are reactions to changes in air pressure.

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Low atmospheric pressure causes the bubbling of inert gases usually dissolved in body fluids; this is similar to opening carbonated beverages. These bends may cause deep pain in your joints, or dull pain at high altitudes, and decrease at the same time, even after a few hours. Any joint movement increases pain.

nervous system manifestations may cause nervous system symptoms, headache is one of the most common symptoms. However, headache may be more than just a nervous system problem; sutures in the skull are joints, and decompression sickness mainly affects joints. Headache may actually be joint pain. Decompression altitude sickness can result in feet weakness or paralysis in physical movement. It can also cause chest pain, abdominal pain and discomfort in the back and lower chest, including tingling, burning and stinging.

Chronic altitude sickness Another high altitude sickness that causes joint pain is chronic altitude sickness or Monteggia disease. If you live at a high altitude and stay there for a long time, you may suffer from this disease. Symptoms include pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, blue skin, and sometimes deep venous thrombosis or deep venous thrombosis. If you encounter these symptoms, please descend to a lower altitude and consult a doctor. Recovery from chronic mountain sickness is usually slow, and this may happen if you return to high altitude areas.
