Babies and children often vomit. Viral and bacterial infections are the most common causes of vomiting, but chronic diseases such as acute allergic reactions and gastroesophageal reflux can also cause vomiting in 9-month-old infants. Vomiting once or twice does not harm the child, but persistent vomiting can lead to dehydration, which is a serious illness in infants. If the baby does not improve within 24 hours, go to see a doctor. Simple measures usually help reduce vomiting.
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Feeding baby
Baby needs liquid to keep moisture when vomiting, but if she vomits every 5 to 30 minutes, do not breast-feed. Pediatrician William Sears says that once the vomiting rate slows down to once every 1 to 2 hours, it starts to flow. Continue breastfeeding, because breast milk is easy to digest. You may find that breastfeeding is more frequent, but in a shorter period of time, feeding can be maintained. If your baby drinks formula, if her doctor agrees, it can be replaced by oral rehydration. Avoid sugary fruit juices and sports drinks, which usually contain large amounts of sugar and potentially harmful electrolyte balances for babies. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, infants under the age of 1 should not eat milk or dairy products. When vomiting slows down to two or four times a day, Sears recommends restarting the mix of formula milk powder and oral rehydration by half and half.
For most 9-month-old children, the normal diet includes liquid and solid foods. If your baby is vomiting, he may not want to eat the solid food he usually eats. Although this may make you panic, as long as you keep him hydrated, you can stop eating for a day or two. Sears recommends keeping solid foods until the baby's vomiting rate slows to two or four times a day.
If your baby has severe vomiting and is in danger of serious dehydration, the doctor may prescribe some medicine to relieve vomiting by calming the brain center that causes vomiting. Because your baby may not be able to maintain oral medication, you can also use rectal suppositories to stop vomiting. Don't take antiemetic unless your baby's doctor prescribes it; in some cases, it's best to continue vomiting to eliminate irritants in the body.
Restart solid food
Start solid food slowly, avoid high-fat food and provide high-carbohydrate food, such as pasta or rice, lean meat and vegetables. Most doctors no longer emphasize the infant diet, that is, bananas, rice, applesauce and toast, vomiting babies or children. If you provide your child with the food he likes, he may eat the best. If your baby starts vomiting again, stop solid food and resume a liquid diet until vomiting slows down again.