Antitussive medicines are often used to relieve symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections in the short term, such as common cold, influenza or chest cold. Different brands of cough medicines contain different active ingredients, which can temporarily relieve cough. Cough drops are generally safe and unlikely to cause significant side effects. However, in very few cases, they can have harmful side effects on heart rate. This is almost always the case when excessive cough drops are used.
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dextromethorphan is a cough reliever, including some cough drops (cefopol sore throat and cough, aseptic sore throat and cough, Delsim cough and Sucrete cough tablets). Drugs act on the cough center of the brain, inhibiting signals that cause cough. Dextromethorphan has a certain effect on temporary relief of cough, but if overused, it will have a negative impact on the heart. Overdose of dextromethorphan can lead to increased and/or irregular heart rate. These effects are usually combined with other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, walking instability, hallucinations and possible seizures. Overuse and abuse of dextromethorphan are particularly common among adolescents because of its hallucination effect.
Strong Cronin and Benzocaine are local numbness drugs found in some cough drops (Sucrete, Cephalosporin and Chloramphenicol buccal tablets). These drugs temporarily relieve sore throats and irritation through mild throat numbness, which helps reduce coughing. In very few cases, benzocaine can cause an increase in heart rate. This usually occurs with gray or blue skin, lips and nail beds, shortness of breath, fatigue, confusion and headaches. Dacronin is unlikely to cause side effects because it is difficult for the body to absorb. In both cases, symptoms are almost always caused by taking more drugs than by directing treatment. The other ingredients in
cough drops rarely cause side effects. Some cough relievers, including Halls Mentho Lyptu s and Burt&s Bees natural laryngeal drops, temporarily relieve airway inflammation and cough. Although rare, excessive eucalyptus oil can lead to depression in the nervous system and a slower heart rate. Usually heartburn, vomiting, difficulty walking or seizures. Many drops (Hall and Vick) also contain menthol, which provides a cool sensation in the airway and slightly numbs the throat. Excessive menthol can lead to increased heart rate, but this is unlikely to happen because it contains a small amount of cough drops.
Other cough medicines contain zinc gluconate (cold medicine), a mineral supplement that can shorten the duration of cold symptoms. High doses of zinc gluconate can lead to anemia, a low level of red blood cells. This can lead to fatigue, weakness, irritability and increased heart rate.