Allergic contact dermatitis is a skin reaction triggered when the skin is exposed to a foreign substance. Skin inflammation and urticaria are characteristic symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis because the body's immune system considers the substance toxic or pathogenic. Apple vinegar is a commonly used medicine to improve digestion, although anecdotal reports suggest that eating or smearing it on the skin contributes to allergic reactions. If you have recurrent rashes, consult your doctor or allergist.
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allergic contact dermatitis
allergic contact dermatitis is essentially a hypersensitive response to environmental factors. It is caused by allergens or substances that cause skin immune response, which is different from irritants that cause physical injury or damage to the skin. Common causes of allergic contact dermatitis include detergents, industrial detergents, soap, perfume, heavy metals, synthetic fibers and food additives. According to the textbook of functional medicine, the first symptom of anaphylaxis is a rash or skin lesion on the exposed site. An itchy rash usually protrudes and forms pustules or blisters that leak out and become hard skin or scales over time. Interestingly, allergic contact dermatitis eruptions usually occur about a day after contact, rather than immediately. Once you have an allergic reaction to a substance, it is likely to cause the same reaction in subsequent contacts. Apple vinegar
is made from acid red apple fermented juice which is relatively unfiltered. Apple vinegar is especially rich in acetic acid, but it also contains malic acid, citric acid and ascorbic acid. As a folk medicine, it has a long history as a digestive aid and source of vitamin C. Studies have confirmed that allergic contact dermatitis has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties according to the contents of Natural Standard Herbs and Supplementaries Reference. Apple vinegar is usually rubbed onto inflamed skin and sometimes combined with honey. The aim is to disinfect the area, reduce inflammation and stimulate healing, although no studies have confirmed its effectiveness. In addition, apple vinegar is sometimes recommended for oral use to combat allergic reactions, the logic being that better digested foods reduce the risk of immune responses to undigested proteins. Whether indigestion is associated with allergic contact dermatitis is unclear.
Applying excessive cider vinegar on inflamed skin may further irritate the skin due to the acidity of the vinegar. Therefore, before applying vinegar to the rash, it is best to dilute it with pure water. In addition, when using apple vinegar or any other medication, be careful not to scratch the affected area, because doing so will make the problem worse and may spread bacteria from any pustules. If the condition deteriorates or does not improve after a week or so, please contact a dermatologist.