Drinking a glass of fresh red beet juice gives you all the nutritional value of beets and important antioxidants, natural nitrates and anti-inflammatory betacyanins. Beet juice can boost your energy and endurance, lower your blood pressure, help your heart, alleviate depression, and even reduce the risk of some cancers.

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drink beet juice is a convenient nutrient intensive, low fat method, which can obtain raw or cooked sugar beet nutrient concentrate, including vitamins, minerals and plant nutrients.
Adding fibre to fruit juice
Although the juice will retain many valuable nutrients of the whole fresh beet, you will lose some important health benefits - fibre content . You need fibre in your diet to keep your digestive tract functioning properly and to keep it regular by providing plenty of fibre to your stool. Dietary fiber slows digestion and makes you feel full longer. This can help you avoid overeating, which is good for controlling your weight. According to the American Heart Association, fibre can help raise blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
The American Dietary Guidelines recommend that you consume between 22.4 and 33.6 grams of fiber per day, depending on your sex and age. Eating boiled sliced beets can provide 1.7 grams of fiber, or 7% of the value per half cup per day; about the same amount of organic beet juice can provide 0.5 grams of fiber. After juicing beet, some pulp can be preserved and mixed into beet beverage to replace the lost fibers, thus solving this contradiction. Or you can add pulp to other dishes, such as salad, soup or fried potato chips.
Sweet beet contains a large amount of natural sugar, and the juice will give you a concentrated dose. According to the dietary guidelines, less than 10% of calories a day should come from sugar. A whole raw beet contains 5.5 grams of sugar.
Considering that it takes two or four beets to make a beet juice, the sugar content of each beet juice may be as high as 11 to 20 grams or more. If you recalculate the calories you need to lose weight, or if you have diabetes, that number may be particularly worrying. < p > < H3 > increases muscle strength < / H3 > < p > beet contains natural nitrate, which is the precursor of nitric oxide. < strong > nitric oxide is involved in regulating blood flow, muscle contraction and respiration in vivo. Studies have shown that drinking beet juice not only improves your ability to exercise, but also helps prevent heart disease. A randomized trial at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis showed that beet juice could improve muscle function in patients with systolic heart failure. Nine patients with heart failure were treated with inorganic nitrate in the form of concentrated beet juice. The dosage was 140 ml, or about 2/3 cups of juice.
published in Circulation: Heart Failure 2015 found that participants improved muscle contraction speed and strength by an average of 13%. Researchers believe that beet juice can enhance other aspects of the body's function in patients with heart disease by boosting muscle energy.
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Hypotension study showed that drinking beet juice had a positive effect on blood pressure in the short and long term. In 2015, a study by the American Heart Association found that drinking red beet juice every day lowered blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Subjects drank 250 ml (about 1 cup) of beet juice every day for four consecutive weeks and noticed some positive effects within 24 hours.
Conclusion, published in the Journal of Hypertension, observed that those who consumed beet juice had a 20% improvement in vascular elasticity. Some people believe that the high nitrate content in sugar beet is the cause of the decrease of blood pressure.
Usually, eating the whole food is the best way to get the most nutrition. But in order to lower blood pressure, you'd better squeeze sugar beet juice for maximum benefit. Cooking beet may reduce some of the healthful nutrients, but by squeezing raw beet juice, you will get 100% phytonutrients, which may help lower blood pressure. Another main advantage of
beet is that it is rich in beta-galactose, which is the reason why beet is rich in red pigments. Betalain has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification functions, and is beneficial to health in many ways.
In addition, in 2015, the Journal of Nutrition pointed out that the chemopreventive activity of beta-galactose has been proved to prevent oxidative stress and regulate inflammation of lung, skin and liver cancer cells. There is also convincing evidence that beta-alanine kills colon cancer cells and breast cancer cells.
Because nitrate is converted into beneficial nitric oxide in the stomach, drinking a beet beverage before exercise can help you make full use of your exercise. The Journal of Applied Physiology has shown that nitrate has a positive effect on mitochondria, which are the energy produced by cells in their activities. A 2017 study found that nitrate in beet juice increased the range and speed of muscle contraction during large muscle group exercise. Another study confirmed that nitrate-rich beet juice improved the performance of 19 untrained healthy men. Research published in the Journal Physical Education and Sports in 2014 indicates that cardiovascular function and energy metabolism during exercise are positively affected during rest.
Nitrate can reduce the oxygen consumption of exercise, improve the blood flow of muscle and enhance oxygenation, which all play a role in improving endurance and exercise ability. In a 2014 study published by Sports Medicine in Auckland, New Zealand, participants in the beet root juice group experienced a 15% increase in fatigue time during running, in addition to increasing repetitions of strength and resistance exercises. Beet and beet juice, which benefited from folic acid, were good sources of folic acid. Folic acid is a B vitamin that your body needs to produce red blood cells and white blood cells in bone marrow. You also need folic acid to get energy from carbohydrates and generate DNA and RNA. Folic acid is particularly important for women of childbearing age because they have future pregnancy plans to prevent low birth weight and ensure normal development of their babies. Lack of folic acid increases the risk of major birth defects in the brain or spine of infants. Low folic acid level was also associated with depression. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Psychological Research in 2017 concluded that folic acid improved the efficacy of antidepressants and suggested that folic acid might be beneficial for depressive patients. < p > < H3 > manganese on immune function < / H3 > < p > a glass of beet juice will provide you with a lot of manganese. Manganese is a basic mineral required by the body to synthesize and activate many enzymes that regulate metabolism and help the immune system function normally. Manganese is an important antioxidant, which can prevent free radicals, molecules that damage cells and cause many chronic diseases.
According to the research of the Linas Baolin Institute, the main antioxidant in mitochondria is manganese superoxide dismutase (mnsod), which consumes more than 90% of the oxygen used by cells, so it is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress. MnSOD helps to combat the negative effects of free radicals by converting superoxide (large reactive oxygen species) into small molecules with less cell damage.
Raw or cooked beets?
You can make healthy beet beverage with raw beet or boiled beet first. If you squeeze raw beets, you should make sure they are scrubbed clean and free from dirt or peeling. A study published in the Acta Scientium Polononrum Technologia Alimentaria in 2016 reported that heating Betacyanin resulted in about 7% loss of antioxidant capacity. Although this amount is not significant, it can be considered that cooking also reduces some vitamins and minerals in beets. Therefore, you may want to choose the juice instead of the cooked beet for maximum benefit. The differences in important nutrient components between raw beet and ripe beet were as follows. These values apply to two types of beets, each with a diameter of 2 inches.
UL>li>vitamin C: raw, 8 mg; ripe, 3.6 mgli>vitamin A: raw, 54 international units; ripe, 35 international units li>folic acid: raw, 178.8 micrograms; ripe, 80 micrograms calcium: raw, 26.2 mg; ripe, 16 mg potassium: raw, 534 mg; ripe, 305 mgWhether you choose to make beet beverage with ripe beet or lettuce, you will benefit from rich other vitamins and minerals, including
- vitamin K
- B vitamin-thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, B6, folic acid and pantothenic acid < li> < li > manganese < li > magnesium < li > phosphorus < li > < li > < li > < > Potassium
- sodium
- zinc
- selenium