For centuries, people have used the healing power of tea trees to make green tea. Green tea can be used as a traditional beverage or capsule extract. Unlike black tea or oolong tea, green tea is not fermented. Tea was immersed in raw tea, and the antioxidant, tea polyphenols, was retained. The efficacy of green tea should be adapted to local conditions. Although colds do not always include fever, and vice versa, fever is usually caused by viruses. The characteristics of green tea can alleviate these two kinds of pain. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements or herbs, such as green tea.
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Green tea contains six antioxidants called catechins. The stems, veins and buds of tea plants contain different types of catechins. Green tea is rich in antioxidants because it contains leaves, stems and buds of plants. A beverage or capsule contains a variety of antioxidants, making green tea an effective antiviral drug.
Antiviral Activity
Viruses are transmitted by infecting healthy cells in your body. As the virus grows stronger, your body tries to eliminate the infection by having a fever. Green tea antioxidants can reduce the infection rate of healthy cells, thereby reducing cold-like symptoms and fever. A 2005 study in antiviral research found that all six antioxidants in green tea help to prevent different stages of healthy cell infection, thereby weakening the virus. < p > < H3 > dosage and curative effect < / H3 > < p > twice daily intake of green tea in capsule or other form can reduce the severity of cold. A 2007 study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that people who ate two capsules of green tea extract a day for three months had a two-day reduction in the duration of colds and influenza viruses compared with those who did not drink green tea. Weakening the virus's antioxidants can help your immune system fight disease and recover.