Turmeric and cinnamon are spices that increase the flavor of food and seem to be good for health. These spices are inexpensive, calorie-free and easily available in most supermarkets and natural food stores. Because Toumeri and Cinnamon are safe and have no side effects, they may be worth a try for their potential health benefits. Keep in mind that ground spices release their fragrance more slowly than whole spices.
There is a bowl of turmeric and two cinnamon on the white counter. Turmeric is a perfume commonly used in Indian curry. It has a unique yellow pigment, which is usually sold in its original color. It comes from ginger-related roots. In Asian countries, turmeric has been used to treat various health problems for many years. Mayooclinic.com notes that turmeric supplements rice, potatoes and lentils to give your dishes a spicy taste. Curcuma longa has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In a study of 45 patients with rheumatoid arthritis published in the March 9, 2012 issue of the Journal of Phytotherapy Research, curcumin (an antioxidant in curcumin) was 500 mg, which improved symptoms and was also an anti-inflammatory drug. Heart disease patients may also benefit from turmeric. In a study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology on July 24, 2012, curcumin treatment helped promote recovery after a heart attack. Because inflammation may play a role in cancer, turmeric is also considered a possible cancer treatment. Laboratory and animal studies of curcumin and cancer are promising, but human studies are just beginning, mayoclinic.com notes. The description of < p > < H3 > cinnamon comes from the bark of evergreen cinnamon and cinnamon trees. According to the Society for Nutrition and Nutrition, there are a variety of cinnamon all over the world. Cinnamon sold in grocery stores is usually a combination of different kinds. The taste ranges from spicy to sweet. Mayoclinic.com recommends adding cinnamon to sweet vegetables, such as pumpkins and sweet potatoes. Cinnamon is also delicious in fruit salads, baked beans and pumpkin pies. It can also be sprinkled on hot cocoa, oatmeal or toast. Cinnamon is powdery and rod-like. Cinnamon's Benefits
Studies have shown that Cinnamon may reduce glucose by enhancing the effect of insulin in vivo. In a review of six clinical trials published in the May 12, 2012 issue of Clinical Nutrition, taking 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon a day for up to four months lowered blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Cinnamon also has a beneficial effect on cholesterol. In an animal study published in the Journal Pharmacognosy Research on April 4, 2012, cinnamon lowered total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol in healthy and diabetic rats. However, mayoclinic.com points out that evidence for cholesterol lowering in cinnamon is rare.