Cannabis sanitary cotton is a crazy new treatment for cramps


When you have a severe premenstrual cramp, you do almost anything to relieve the pain. Now there is an innovative solution on the market, even though it may not be legal in every state. <

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< span class=" article-picture description-interior "> THC component in tampon can help relieve pain and muscle relaxation. (Image: marjan4782/adobe stock)

The product is called Foria relief, using a delivery system designed to maximize muscle relaxation and analgesic properties of cannabis without producing psychotropic drugs-39; high, &39;, the company's website said. The suppository is made of organic cocoa butter, THC oil and CBD separation. Some women report that it smells like biscuit dough or biscuit butter. And it's getting better and better: For women who don't want everyone to squint, this product can still serve you, because THC won't excite you. The working principle of

is as follows: the capsule contains 6:1 tetrahydrofuran oil (about 60 grams, twice the average joint) and CBD isolate. THC targets nerves to prevent pain, while CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic agent to help alleviate muscle spasm. The company said that the combination of THC and CBD used in vaginal suppositories was specially designed to activate certain cannabinoid receptors in the pelvic region when introduced into the human body. & quot;

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In short, the magic ingredients of cannabis go directly to where people need it.

So far, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States has neither approved the product nor conducted clinical trials, but Welfare has marketed it as a completely safe and user-friendly product, claiming that cannabis is grown without pesticides and that there are no harmful pollutants in the manufacture of the product.

This suppository is currently available only in California and does not require a medical cannabis card (although they need a doctor's letter). Contact the website from time to time to see if it extends to other states.

So far, the product has four-star rating on its website, and also has very positive evaluation. Some women noticed that cramps eased in just 20 minutes. Some even say it can be used to help with childbirth.

What do you think? Can you try to reduce it? What do you think of marijuana as a major player in the health industry? Tell us in the comments!
