How to deal with anxiety by changing your perspective


At some point, everyone experiences an anxiety. And sometimes you just don't know what worries you. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe that's all. This is part of a difficult problem to deal with. <

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span="article-image_u caption-class"> meditation and mindfulness are often recommended as ways of alleviating anxiety, because they are aimed at latent potential. The thought of being. There are many Buddhist schools of Buddhism and mindfulness, but they all agree that anxiety is a fact of human life. Buddha calls it "Duka" - a painful sense of discontent that stems from our constant desire for something different from them. In a consumer society, people tell you that you can have everything you want, and if you don't, it's easy to think you have a problem.

Psychotherapy combines many Buddhist methods to solve anxiety and other problems, including breathing, relaxation techniques and physical awareness. In the secular world, this method is called mindfulness. Both Eaton and Ghassemlou believe that it provides the necessary basis for solving anxiety.

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& "No one should underestimate the power of breathing," Eaton said. & You can use your breath to control your mind, not your mind to control your breath. It's the quickest way to get out of an imaginary catastrophe and get yourself back to the past moment, when most of the time there's no problem. & quot;

According to a study published in the Journal of Psychological Frontiers in 2017, Eaton preferred diaphragm breathing, which actually lowered stress hormones. To do this, place one hand in front of your chest and the other under your abdominal ribs (so you can feel your diaphragm). Inhale through the nose and feel the air push the hand (but not the hand on the chest). Shrink your abdomen as you exhale through a pout. There are many other breathing techniques in

, but one CBT practitioner prefers is square breathing, also known as relaxed breathing, in which both inhalation and exhalation are gradually prolonged by slowing down the breathing process. Breathing is kept at short intervals at each end. Mindfulness is also achieved through simple breathing meditation. With this technique, you can breathe normally and pay attention to the feeling of air coming in and out of your nostrils. When thoughts appear, concentrate on breathing, dissolving them without attracting your attention.

&Eaton said: "Through mindfulness meditation, you learn to accept your thoughts more and feel more compassion for yourself." & This is very helpful in the treatment of anxiety disorders. & quot;
