Eight Simple Weight Loss Habits Before Bedtime


After a whole day of hard work and healthy choices, we tend to view the evening as a time to relax and reward ourselves. But if you want to lose weight, it's important to develop habits that will make you successful. <

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Reducing alcohol consumption will help avoid snacks. (picture: twenty20/@lesia.valentain)

7. Avoiding drinking

and drinking less of your precious wine may help you sleep and avoid snacks. & "Alcohol not only disrupts important REM sleep, but also stimulates appetite and reduces inhibition," Upton explained.

& So when you drink, you may eat more snacks and eat high-calorie junk food. If you're a person who likes to drink 21 + drinks every night, try to save a few nights for a healthy Kombucha or caffeine-free tea. < p > < H3 > 8. Keep cold

there & "Nothing is more comfortable than snuggling on a soft comfortable blanket, but studies have shown that staying cold at night can promote weight loss. A 2014 study found that frequent exposure to mild cold promoted weight loss in subjects. Researchers at the Medical Center of Maastricht University in the Netherlands studied both groups. The first group worked two hours a day at 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit and lost body fat after six weeks. The second group stayed at low temperatures for 6 hours a day for 10 days, and brown fat increased. It may sound bad, but brown fat actually burns energy (that is, calories) to produce calories, which means that having more brown fat actually helps lose weight. So, if you turn down the thermostat a few degrees, you can lose weight easily. What are your nighttime habits? Are you going to add this to your daily life? Making changes is not necessarily extreme. These small adjustments will ensure that your efforts are not in vain.
