Five simple ways to make intermittent fasting easier


I've been talking to a group of healthy, nutritious people recently. They lifted weights, ate clean food, supplemented them neatly, and slept seven to nine hours a night. But some people lament that it is becoming more and more difficult to get rid of stubborn abdominal fat with age.

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class= "article-image inner-caption"> as your body adapts, intermittent fasting becomes easier. These tools can make the transition easier to suppress hunger and craving. (Image: arx0nt/istock/gettyimages) Intermittent fasting is inevitable. Most of the people in this group vowed that when a few people talked poetically about its many benefits, I saw a dejected expression on one's face. I asked him why.

-I'm very self-disciplined, but every time I try to fasting intermittently, I become a monster. & I am so hungry that I rush at people for no reason. I don't know. Because of that damn hunger, I can't hold on for long. & quot;

Others assured him that his intoxicating hunger would subside over time. He seems not entirely convinced.

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I know how weak hunger can make people. I tell people that there are several reasons for eating every four to six hours: of course, to balance blood sugar levels, but long periods of skipping can turn most people into monsters. Of course I know. If I don't eat for more than six hours, I'm not very comfortable around. I don't know. I'm more prone to mood swings. Food becomes the pink elephant in the room. I can't avoid it.

So I understand that intermittent fasting can be a real challenge. When your body adapts, it really becomes easier. I found that these tools (which are perfectly acceptable in most intermittent fasting forms) can make the transition easier to suppress hunger and craving:

1. Green tea
I have been drinking green tea all day because of its calorific (fat-burning) effect and its calming effect on amino acid theanine. Come down. Green tea also suppresses your appetite, thanks to epigallocatechin gallate (egcg), which increases your cholecystokinin (cck) hormone, which signals your brain to feel full. Middle-chain triglycerides
Most forms of intermittent fasting allow middle-chain triglycerides (MCTs) because your body burns them for energy, not for storing these fatty acids. MCTs can also increase ketone production and satiety. A study has shown that MCTs can increase your metabolic rate by 12%. I added MCT to my morning organic coffee to burn fat all morning. < p > < p > < strong > 3. Branched chain amino acids (bcaas) leucine, isoleucine and valine have been the beliefs of fitness enthusiasts. As a result, they can also make intermittent fasting easier. & "BCAA has a special role in regulating energy, controlling hunger and potentially stressful cravings," wrote Jade and Keoni Teta, authors of the metabolic effect diet. "You will find BCAA in capsules or powders."

< strong > 4. Water sometimes means dehydration. A glass of filtered water may be your ticket to killing the roaring stomach. For example, a study at the University of Washington found that drinking eight ounces of water before bed can alleviate hunger at night. I have a stainless steel restaurant that I drink all day. Ideally, the goal is to use half an ounce of water, so if you weigh 140 pounds, try drinking 70 ounces of water a day. < p > < p > < strong > 5. Fiber is my best choice for suppressing desire and appetite and balancing blood sugar. Mix a teaspoon or two teaspoons of fiber supplement powder with water to see if your appetite disappears. A study in the European Journal of Nutrition found that fibers in drinks enhance satiety and reduce appetite for more food than non-fibre drinks. Start slowly with fibre meal (cramps and bathroom problems can result from too much at one time), and drink more water while increasing your fibre intake.
