Five ways to stop feeling tired


Feeling the peace of the afternoon and your energy level drops, all you can think of is a second (or third) cup of coffee? <

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span=" article-image_ inner caption "> in terms of energy, it is easy to sleep more. (picture: golubovy/adobe stock)

5. Getting to bed early may sound simple, but according to the CDC survey, one third of adults lack sleep every night. Insufficient sleep can affect your work efficiency and memory, and (you guessed it) can make you drowsy all day.

Instead of having a drink, plan to sleep at least seven hours in advance. If you need help with capturing z&39; s, check out these tips.

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What do you think? Did you crash at noon? What do you do to improve your energy level? Are there any omissions on the list? If you try these techniques, will they help to motivate you? Please tell us in the comments section!
