Pauline Nordin’s Butt of Steel Workout


Does your backside need a boost? As the founder of Fighter Diet and the Live Life Lean fitness app, I have a workout to whip your butt into shape. This workout will strengthen, lift and shape the glutes while tightening up the tie-in (i.e., the intersection of butt and thigh).

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This butt workout will strengthen, lift and shape the glutes while tightening up the tie-in. (Image: Petri Oeschger/Moment/GettyImages)

My program primarily features foundational movements modified slightly to better emphasize the backside. My workouts are based on old-school, solid, effective exercises like squats and I make sure I put the body through several different variations of more or less the same exercises since a small change in angle, stance and range of motion hit the muscles a bit differently.

To help wake your booty up and jumpstart results, I suggest doing this workout 3 times per week for 2-4 weeks. As you get stronger and lift more weight, you can dial it back, as you’ll need more time for recovery. If you're already consistently training, substitute this workout for your other quad or glute/hamstring workouts.

What kind of results can you expect? Provided you follow the golden rule of adding more and more challenging resistance as the muscles get stronger, you should have a perkier butt and shapelier, stronger legs overall.


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Beginning with your feet together and holding dumbbells, take a big step forward with right leg. Descend to your lowest comfortable lunge position (strive for your back knee lightly touching the ground). Push through your front foot to return to the starting position. Complete all reps on the right leg then move on to the left leg.


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