If you have gastritis, alleviating symptoms usually means reducing some of your favorite foods and drinks: coffee, carbonated drinks, acidic and spicy foods. If you have a sweet tooth, the biggest sacrifice you may have to consider is how dessert can help or hurt your stomach symptoms. However, you don't have to give up sweets altogether; when appropriate, you can enjoy some desserts, even while treating gastritis.
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Dessert to avoid
Unfortunately, if you have gastritis, chocolate is the first dessert to avoid. According to drugs.com, this is because chocolate contains caffeine, which stimulates the stomach wall and exacerbates symptoms of gastritis. Therefore, when your gastritis symptoms persist, you should avoid eating cakes, candy, cookies, brownies, fudge and other desserts containing chocolate. To help you control your appetite, you can occasionally replace it with a small amount of vanilla cake or peanut butter biscuits. People with gastritis should also limit most dairy products, especially high-fat dairy products such as ice cream. However, in some cases, small amounts of certain types of low-fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, cream jelly or pudding are acceptable. When you have gastritis, you should consult your doctor about what you can eat. Fruit should be part of any balanced diet, but only low acidity fruits can help alleviate the symptoms of gastritis. High acidity fruits can exacerbate gastritis problems, including oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes. Avoid eating anything when preparing dessert. However, desserts made from Low-Acidity fruits such as apples, peaches or berries, and any dessert containing bananas, such as muffins, breads or pancakes, are acceptable.