The discoloration and exfoliation of finger skin can be frightening, especially if you don't know what caused it. However, in many cases, this is not a serious sign, although it may make you feel uncomfortable. A common cause of skin peeling is eczema, an allergic reaction that can cause various problems with your skin. In rare cases, skin exfoliation on the fingers can show more serious illness. Before attempting any type of self-care, consult a dermatologist.
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Allergic eczema is caused by allergic reaction. Many people with allergic eczema also have allergies, such as asthma. Certain irritation aggravates symptoms of eczema, such as certain dyes or perfume. Wearing gloves, especially latex gloves, can irritate the symptoms of eczema on the fingers or hands. Stress, finger contact with water, dry skin and allergies to pollen or mold can also lead to worsening symptoms. Although eczema is a common cause of skin desquamation and discoloration of hands or fingers, other conditions may have similar symptoms, including contact dermatitis, psoriasis and actinic keratosis, and various other skin allergies. In a few cases, more serious diseases, such as psoriatic arthritis or diabetes, are the culprits. In most cases, more serious problems are accompanied by other symptoms. For example, in the case of psoriatic arthritis, joint pain and swelling usually occur.
eczema and other skin conditions can usually be controlled by the use of face cream and avoidance of irritation or exacerbation of this condition. However, it is important to get a correct diagnosis before attempting any self-care measures, because the problem may be exacerbated by incorrect treatment. Doctors can tell you the right way to care for your family. In some cases, prescription drugs may be a solution, especially if the underlying cause is autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis.