Croup is a disease characterized by cough caused by dyspnea and respiratory stricture. Croup usually affects children under five years of age, caused by inflammation and swelling of the larynx and trachea. The causes of croup include viruses, bacteria, measles, respiratory irritants and mild colds. Most children develop antibodies to the virus that causes squatting. However, children with low immune system function are at increased risk of contracting the disease. Although rare, older children and adolescents also contract their hips.
adolescents can get squatting and experience the same symptoms as young children. (Image: pojoslaw/istock/getty images)h3>croup is the most common type of croup caused by parainfluenza virus (hpivs). Respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) and adenovirus are less common causes of viral peritonitis. Spastic buttocks usually occur after a mild cold, develop rapidly, have no fever, and tend to relapse. Children with buttocks usually develop cold-like symptoms within a few days, followed by barking, hoarseness, wheezing and dyspnea. Crouching usually lasts from a few days to a week. This condition can worsen and lead to dangerous airway contractions, bronchitis or pneumonia. Severe cases can lead to bacterial infections in the upper respiratory tract and require hospitalization.
Older children
adolescents who did not produce antibodies to the virus causing croup and the virus impairing the immune system could develop into viral croup. According to Kidshealth, many children exposed to the virus only develop cold symptoms. Some children develop buttocks every time they are infected with the virus in the upper respiratory tract. Teenagers can also constrict through less common causes, such as bacterial infections of the upper respiratory system and exposure to respiratory irritant diseases. Inhalation of allergens and acid reflux can cause buttocks. Children with certain diseases, such as asthma and cerebral palsy, are more likely to have severe hip symptoms.
treatment is usually done at home after consultation with the child's doctor. The use of steam or air-conditioned vaporizers at night can help relieve symptoms and breathing. Paracetamol can help relieve pain and fever. Severe symptoms may require treatment by a child's doctor. Steroid drugs or respiratory therapies can help reduce swelling and improve breathing. Your doctor may use antibiotics to fight infection. If your child has severe breathing difficulties, it may need hospitalization. Preventive measures
Although croup is usually more severe in children under one year old, adolescents with croup may feel discomfort, pain and worsen symptoms if they do not receive treatment. Children with recurrent buttocks or potential diseases requiring diagnosis and treatment should see a doctor. However, most croup cases are treated at home under the guidance of a doctor. If your child has severe respiratory problems, redness and swelling of the epiglottis, bluish skin, persistent fatigue, dehydration, drooling or dysphagia, seek medical attention immediately.