Spinach is a green-leafed flowering plant that can be eaten raw and cooked. Although spinach is difficult to digest when eaten raw, the nutrients and vitamins preserved in this raw vegetable actually help improve digestion in the long run. According to a study by the Medical College of Deutsche Island University, glycerides in spinach help protect the inner walls of the digestive tract.
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Individuals often have difficulty digesting and excreting leaves if they do not chew enough spinach they eat. During chewing, enzymes are released through saliva, which helps spinach break down. When you overchew food, it becomes tasteless. Chewing spinach granules until they break down into small pieces helps digest. According to Kelly Reith, a registered holistic nutritionist, chewing food into small pieces makes it easier for digestive juice in the stomach to completely cover the food and improve digestion and overall colon health. Whether spinach is a difficult food to chew or you simply can't stand its taste, combining spinach with other foods through blending is a more delicious way to eat. Since the first step in digestion starts with chewing, mixing and chopping spinach eliminates this step in your consumption chain. If you don't like the taste of spinach, putting milk, ice, fruit, berries and spinach in a blender can help you make a milkshake that can mask the taste of spinach. In addition to masking the taste, it fundamentally alters the texture of spinach, making it easier to swallow, and making your stomach easier to digest. In addition to ice sand, you can mix it with basil, pine and olive oil to make garlic sauce, which can be sprinkled on other things you eat. Cooking spinach may reduce vitamin C levels in plants, but cooking or boiling spinach actually helps protect its antioxidants. If you don't like chewing and swallowing raw spinach, steamed vegetables soften the texture, making chewing and swallowing easier, while naturally lubricating vegetables by condensation. Any substance that fries or cooks spinach, such as olive oil or cooking oil, will change the health benefits of vegetables and the way your body digests food. Adding fat and unhealthy oils to spinach only makes your stomach harder to digest and process.