The nerve tract extending from the top of the spinal cord passes through the neck, where it branches and reconnects to form the ulnar and median nerves of the arm and hand. Nerves send messages to the brain to begin the movement and sensation of muscles and skin. Neural damage at any point in the neural network can lead to symptoms at other points, including numbness, loss of strength, tingling and pain. Strength training uses resistance to strengthen muscles and build bone mineral density, which can alleviate the symptoms of nerve injury and help to recover from related situations.

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Strength training
Strength training, also known as resistance or weight training, increases strength, bone density, muscle tension and lean weight. Strength training involves applying resistance to repeated muscle contractions. Resistance in strength training is provided by weight, arm strength or your own weight. Correct movement form and proper repetition times are very important for effective strength training. For nerve injury, strength training can improve exercise, reduce pain, and help maintain muscle strength, while nerve injury heals. Your doctor may advise you not to do strenuous exercise immediately after the onset of symptoms of nerve injury, especially nerve injury and neck pain. A period of slow, gentle exercise range can help your body prepare for safe strength training.
h3>nerve injurymuscle spasm or spondylolisthesis can compress or squeeze nerves, leading to neck pain and hand or arm symptoms. Cumulative traumatic disorder, also known as repetitive strain or musculoskeletal disease, is an overuse injury caused by repetitive exercise. The disease is common in some sports or occupations. Repetitive exercise can result in compression or compression of the radial, ulnar or median nerves at any point from the neck to the hand. Nerve compression on the wrist or neck can cause finger pain. Tension of muscles, dislocation of nerves and inflammation of surrounding tissues can also lead to nerve damage.
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Warm-up exercises are stretching exercises before strength training. Neck range exercises include moving the head left and right and stretching the neck muscles up and down. Bend and stretch your fingers. Put your arm on the table and let your hand hang over the edge. Bend your wrists and move your hands up and down until you feel your muscles stretch. Hand exercises
grip or squeeze items provide resistance required for strength training exercises. Use paws, tennis balls, putty or thick rubber bands stretched over your fingers. Open or close the hand, squeeze the ball or close and loosen the gripper.
Hold a lightweight object, such as a small jar, place your forearm on a flat surface, palm up, and bend your wrist. Bend your wrist inward, keep it and relax. Use the same hand-held weights, put your arms on the table, palm down, and stretch. Bend your wrist upward, hold it and release it. Use four counts for retention and release. < p > < H3 > neck exercises included shoulder shrugging changes with hand weight. Do a dumbbell shrug and stand with your feet shoulder-wide and knees slightly bent. Arms hang down on both sides of the body, hands each lifting a heavy object, like a shrug up the shoulders. Hold down the shrug and repeat 8 to 12 times.
Put one knee on the bench and one foot on the floor to complete one-arm rowing. Bend forward with one hand on the bench to support the body. Hold the weight in your hand and stretch your arms to the floor. Raise your arm until it is parallel to your back. Keep contracting once, reduce and repeat. Other exercises using hand weight include standing and raising straight arms from both sides to shoulder height, or bending elbows before lifting arms.