Six methods reset immediately after a bad day


In today's busy culture, a normal day in the office can be exhausting. Between pressing deadlines, work pressures and other pressing obligations that never seem to disappear, it is difficult to get home without lying directly on the couch. If you are having a bad day, finding time and energy to relax is challenging. <

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span="article-image u caption-inner"> citrus aroma makes people energetic and relaxed. (picture: oksanakian/istock/gettyimages)

5. Look for citrus plants

If you're desperately trying to relax, eat some citrus plants to make their aroma work wonderfully. & One of the fastest repositioning methods, Esters said, is to put the orange essential oil in a sobering device and rub it on the wrist and pulse points every time you feel pressure. & Quote: This will keep your feet on the ground, concentrate, and make you feel less stressed almost immediately. & Quote;

You can also try lemons, which have similar characteristics. According to a 2014 study in the Journal of Nutrition, lemon balm and foods containing lemons can improve mood and cognitive performance. Take a lemon balm in your hand so that when you need a quick reset, you can apply some. A 2014 study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine showed that the same was true of yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit.

6. When you have a bad day and need to relax, go for a walk in nature or meditate in the dense green grasslands or nearby parks. According to a study in Behavioral Science in 2018, nature has a far-reaching impact on alleviating anxiety, promoting health and happiness.

A study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2015 showed that simply looking at trees and green plants, in particular, can boost mood and relieve stress, so if you are stuck indoors again, you can look out of the window. Look at the trees nearby. When you are outside, hug a tree! & "It sounds strange that trees release very positive energy. If you feel depressed, angry or stressed, just standing around or sitting next to a tree, with your spine resting on the trunk, you immediately feel solid and more balanced," Esters said.
