From IUDs to Contraceptives: The Ultimate Guide to Contraception


With so many contraceptive options, prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is relatively easy. But do you want to know the best method of birth control? Not so much. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just in a partnership, we're all trying to reduce the stress of choosing the right birth control method. Because sex shouldn't be homework. <

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< span class=" article picture internal Title "> want to use exit method instead? You may want to reconsider. (Image Source: Stocksy/Michela Ravasio)

pull-out method is effective?

" The method of withdrawal, also known as withdrawal, is effective only if you don't mind repeated sexual setbacks and unwanted pregnancies! & Doctor of Medicine Donica Moore said she was the host of Dr. Donica's Podcast in Ladies'Room. & What's worse, this approach provides zero protection against STDs. & quot;

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Moore also pointed out that it was difficult to know when men's pre-ejaculatory fluid (pre-cum) was released. & When most sperm are dead or inactive, there may be live sperm in the liquid, or live sperm in the event of an accident.

How often? According to family planning, four out of every 100 women who use pull-out perfectly are pregnant every year.

Can you get pregnant by having sex during menstruation? In short, yes. That is to say, it is unlikely. & Loanzon, a medical doctor and obstetrician and gynecologist, said that when looking at the physiology of the menstrual cycle, people are less likely to conceive during menstruation because most people ovulate about two weeks after the onset of menstruation.

However, abnormal or irregular bleeding may be mistaken for a period of time, that is, if someone has unprotected sex, there is a risk of pregnancy. It may be unreliable to have different ovulation times. & quot; If the cycle is shorter and longer, women are more likely to conceive during their menstrual cycle.

&Moore points out that most women have only about six days in the cycle of their re-pregnancy, which is the window through which they give birth. & However, when their cycle is very short and long, the fertile window may begin in their cycle. It is estimated that 2% of women enter childbearing on the fourth day. Is it worth the risk? Maybe not. At the end of the day, sex should be an interesting activity, full of excitement and discovery. The last thing you should worry about is unwanted pregnancies or STDs - and with all available methods, you don't have to worry. Happy bedroom time!
