3 Kettlebell Complexes for Faster Fat Loss


A kettlebell complex is a series of movements performed back-to-back with little to no rest in between. Their primary function is to serve as a form of metabolic conditioning, to tax multiple muscle groups and energy systems simultaneously, and to keep the system as a whole (heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.) under a prolonged period of stress.

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Kettlebell complexes build character. (Seriously). (Image: AdobeStock.com)

The intensity of such workouts is fierce and unpleasant, but brief, like the kick from a mule, and when it's over, you're likely to feel a little wobbly, garble your words, and by that I mean, shout obscenities.

The kettlebell complex is a muscle-maker, a strength-builder, and a body fat-reducer all in one. The benefits are plain, but enormous. The complex surges growth hormone and virility, the calorie burn is massive and prolonged and the whole affair is remarkably efficient.

The following is a selection of my very best kettlebell complexes:

1. The Great Destroyer (double bell)

Before you begin this workout, it would be a wise provision to square away your debts with the universe, to make a list of all you've harmed and make amends with them.

10 x double swing10 x double snatch10 x double front squat10 x double clean and press10 x push up10 x bent over row

Perform each exercise, back-to-back, with no rest in between. Run 3 rounds.

Recommended weight: Males use 2 x 16kg or 2 x 20kg kettlebells; females use 2 x 8kg or 2 x 12kg kettlebells

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2. Armor Building (double bell)

This sequence was created by my friend Dan John, a wholesome gentleman, and strength coach of some repute. The idea of "armor building," as Dan will tell you, is not so much about building muscle, but hardening it, toughening it.

The reps are low and the movements simple, so go heavy and you will see what he means.

2 x double clean1 x double military press3 x double front squat

Again, no rest between exercises. Run as many quality rounds as you can in fifteen minutes.

Recommend weight: Males use AT LEAST 2x24k kettlebells; females use at least 2x16kg kettlebells

3. Armor Building with Snatches

A simple variation on the last complexes, for those seeking an additional challenge, adding a set of snatches on the end.

2 x double clean1 x double military press3 x double front squat5 x snatch (left + right)

Perform the armor building complex, then, immediately, go into a set of single arm snatches for an additional metabolic effect. Run as many quality rounds as you can in 15 minutes.

And please, apply these complexes judiciously: Less is more. One-to-three times per week, on top of a solid strength program, should be enough. Think of these complexes as the bourbon to the sauce of your training program. A little bourbon goes a long way, but a little too much, and you risk of ruining the sauce.

What Do YOU Think?

Have you ever done a kettlebell complex? Is it as tough as they say? Do you think you'll try one out? Leave a comment below and let us know!
