The Truth of Clean Fasting


Editor's note: I recently wrote an article on the benefits of intermittent fasting. Many people question the scientific basis behind this dietary strategy and insist that any form of fasting is inherently dangerous. To answer these questions (and more), I contacted Brad Pilon, author of Eat Stop-Eat and nutrition researcher. Here, Pilon describes the benefits of scientific support for fasting, and describes the real way to clean your body. <

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< span class=" article-image-interior "> Some researchers speculate that intermittent fasting can improve neurological function and overall health. (Image: westernd61/westernd61/gettyimages)

Fasting Power: How it Fights Diseases, Improves Health, and Enhances Muscle

Autophagy Process and Its Importance in Purification are the main reasons that some researchers speculate that intermittent fasting can improve skin. Ve neurological function and overall health are unique to any other diet or calorie restriction. [xv] < sup >, [xvi] < / sup > < / P > < p > Studies on fasting and neurological diseases, such as Huntington's syndrome and Alzheimer's disease, are also beginning to look promising, as fasting has been found to cause rapid and profound increases in autophagy in the brain. Remove toxic molecules and damaged mitochondria from your neurons.

This is why some people believe that intermittent fasting helps regulate and combat the aging process. In a broad sense, "aging" refers to the biological changes that occur in a person's life, which lead to reduced resistance to stress and increased vulnerability to disease. The possibility of death increased. Autophagy can improve many of these aspects. [XXIV]

Learn how to turn on and off authophagy benefits even extend to muscle health. That is to say, when you have too much autophagy, you will experience loss of muscle mass, degeneration and weakness of bone fibers. [XXV] In other words, you don't always want autophagy, but you need a healthy balance of autophagy and growth to achieve the best function. Ning of the human body.

Remember that it's not just your exercise that breaks you down and restores you to health --- your diet also plays the same role, and that breakdown is equally important for your long-term health and recovery. Here's what you need to remember:

By allowing us to grow while eating, and by restoring, maintaining and cleaning autophagy during fasting, we can help restore balance in cell maintenance, not to mention the possibility of preventing muscle loss as we age. The key to

is to have a balance point - you can either eat too much at any time or eat too fast all the time without any negative impact. It is the best balance of these processes that can decompose damaged parts and replace them with new ones with good functions.

By allowing us to grow while we eat, and through the process of self-repair, maintenance and purification during fasting, we help restore our balance, which may be the result of many fatal and debilitating diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease, liver disease, and even loss of muscle size and function. Brad Pillon is one of the world's recognized advocates of intermittent fasting. You can learn more about his intermittent fasting methods in his newly revised and expanded book Eats to P eat.

[1] The effects of glucagon, an autophagy inducer, on some physical properties of rat liver lysosomes were determined. Journal of Cell Biology 1967; 33:437-449

[ii], A.M. Cuervo, E. Bergamini, U.T. Brunk, W. Droge, M. Ffrench, A. Terman, Autophagy and Aging: The Importance of Keeping Cells Clean, Autophagy 1 (2005) 131 E140.

[3]Deficient regulation of autophagy after leucine deprivation by Joon Ho Sheen, Roberto Zoncu, Dohoon Kim, David M. Sabatini and Leucine reveals the targeting of human melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Cells, Volume 19, 5613-6281 May 17, 2011 < p >[4] Ding, Female. Exp Biol med, a new role of autophagy in alcoholic liver disease, May 1, 2011: 546-556.

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[6]Komatsu M. The loss of autophagy in the central nervous system leads to neurodegeneration in mice. Natural 2006; 441:880-4

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