Is adolescent weight gain normal?


The transition from childhood to adulthood, called adolescence, may be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it is part of the normal development of human beings. Adolescence occurs between the ages of 8 and 13 in boys and 10 to 15 in girls. Because everyone is unique, one person may enter puberty earlier than another, so normal people may be different. It's normal for boys and girls to gain weight during adolescence because the body is experiencing hormonal changes that can lead to excess fat production.

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happy families with teenagers. When asked about changes in adolescence, Dr. Scott Cohen of Pediatrics in Beverly Hills said: "Adolescence and adolescence are developmental stages, and you have tremendous physical and emotional growth, and there is a link between them." Hormones in boys and girls increase. & quot;

Adolescent weight normal growth

Boys and girls will gain some weight in adolescence is normal. Especially in girls, they develop what is often called baby fat, which is actually normal adipose tissue, starting from the abdomen, and then spreading from the buttocks and chest as they mature. In boys, weight gain is normal, but as their shoulders widen, weight gain tends to be more muscular, and their overall muscle mass increases.

Nutrition needs help in puberty, and the body needs some nutrients to support its work in puberty, so that children can grow into mature adults. Good nutrition and a balanced diet are needed. The main change during this period is to support the increase of heat required for growth. Importantly, these calories come not from processed foods or fast food, but from nutritious foods. Calcium and iron are particularly important because they help build strong bones and iron helps replenish nutrients lost during menstruation. The effect of

hormones on weight gain in adolescents is due to the maturation of a hormone signal released by the brain called GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone). Once released into the pituitary gland below the brain, two new hormones, LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), are formed. These adolescent hormones signal to the body that it's time to evolve. If women want to have children, men need to gain weight if they want to grow muscle.

Adolescents need to consume more calories when they realize that they are gaining too much weight, but it is still important to realize that they can't consume more calories than they need to mature, otherwise they will gain too much weight. For adolescents, this may be a sensitive period because they may feel fat, but dieting is discouraged during this period because some weight gains are normal and necessary for the puberty process. If your weight gain exceeds 85% of your child's next visit to the doctor, this may cause alarm, and reducing the number of calories or calories may be necessary to ensure a healthy weight.
