If You Eat 2 Kiwi Fruits a Day This Is What Will Happen To Your Body


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Kiwi fruit is that brown, furry fruit that when open reveals a tangy green inner with tiny, black, edible seeds. It is quite juicy, delicious and full of awesome nutrients that will cause equal amounts of awesome to your body.

Kiwi fruit is so good and healthful, that why stop at just one? After all, consuming two kiwi fruit daily will only double the goodness — goodness that includes some of the following things:

1. Strengthened immune system

Kiwi fruit contains a heavy dose of Vitamin C that acts as powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system so your body can fight disease. In fact, according to the nutritional break-up provided by the USDA, regular kiwis contain almost twice as much as vitamin C as fresh oranges which are often touted as a top source of vitamin C.

Kiwi also contains folic acid which produces red and white blood cells and antibodies that defend the body from infections.

2. Improved mood and extra energy

Activate enzymes contained in kiwi have been found to improve metabolic energy levels and help neurotransmitters to increase energy. Research published by the Journal of Nutritional Science in New Zealand studied 35 men ages 18 to 35 years over a six week period of time. The men were either given half a kiwi or two kiwis per day. After the study it was found that those who consumed two kiwi per day enjoyed a 31 percent increase in energy.

3. Healthy heart and arteries

Kiwi has been named as one of the most effective natural blood thinners, essentially reducing clot formation, the formation of triglycerides, and promoting circulation. All of this equates to a healthy heart and arteries.

A study conducted by the Department of Nutrition at the University of Oslo, Norway found that kiwi fruit may be beneficial in cardiovascular disease. Researchers looked at whether consuming kiwi fruit modulated platelet activity and plasma lipids, and found that “consuming two or three kiwi fruit per day for 28 days reduced platelet aggregation response to collagen and ADP by 18% compared with the controls.”

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The researchers also concluded that eating kiwi fruit lowered blood triglycerides levels by 15% compared with control.

4. Improved digestion

Much like most fruits and vegetables, kiwi contains high amounts of that is crucial for digestion. By eating two kiwi fruits, you will be giving your body 4.2 grams of dietary fiber. Kiwi also contains the enzyme actinidin, which is thought to improve digestion.

Further, a University of Hong Kong study looked at chronically constipated adults who ate two kiwis a day for a month. After the research, it was found that the adult subjects experienced a 23 percent reduction in discomfort, reducing digestion time by 15 hours, which was actually double the frequency of their previous bowel movements. 

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5. Improved sleep

Several have speculated kiwi fruit to be a natural sleep aid, and research has backed up those claims.

A study from Taipei Medical University, 24 volunteers (2 males, 22 females) 20 to 55 years of age were told to eat two kiwis one hour before bedtime, over a four week span. After 4 weeks of kiwifruit consumption, subjects were found to have  significantly increased total sleep time and sleep efficiency, sleeping up to 15 percent longer and falling asleep 41% faster than compared to baseline.

If you have trouble sleeping due to asthma, kiwi might remedy that as well,. Scientists at Seoul National University in South Korea found that kiwi’s powerful enzyme, actinidin reduces asthmatic symptoms by reducing white blood cells (which are contained in excess amounts in asthmatic and allergy patients).

What’s better? Unlike many fruits and vegetables, you don’t need to eat the skin to get the benefits. The enzyme is found within the fruit’s juicy green flesh.
